
International competition - Participation form

Name of the film (original): *
Name of the film (in English): *
Country: *
Director (name, surname, age): *
About theDirector (information about him/her and his/her previous work): *
(max 150 words) - included: 0
Film category: *
Year of release: *
Chronometer: *
Sinopsis: *
(max 150 words) - included: 0
Link to the film: *
Link to the trailer:
Contact phones: *
Email: *

Attention! The following files should be added in sequence: (max file size for each file: 3Mb)

  1. Two photographs from the film (file type: jpg, jpeg, png)
  2. The Director photo (file type: jpg, jpeg, png)
  3. File for subtitles (file type: docx, doc, pdf, txt)
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